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How to download deployment logs from Oracle Application Container Cloud

I was struggling last week to deploy a simple NodeJS application to Oracle Application Cloud, because for some weird reason it was failing on deployment.

The normal deployment activity logs were not very clear on what was I doing wrong. That activity log pointed to a "", which had the full deployment log, and that's what you need to figure out the exact issue. In few steps I will try to explain, how you can download that log.

What you need :
1. Access to Oracle Storage Cloud Service (this one)

2. Postman or curl to generate you X-Auth token.

The rest endpoint you have to invoke  :
Headers :
X-Storage-User : <Your_Service>-<Identity_Domain>:<Your_login_for_Storage_cloud>
X-Storage-Pass : <Your_password_for_Storage_cloud>

If you are not sure about the "service name" or "identity domain" name :
The highlighted text in URL is your Service Name and the highlighted text on top left corner of the page is your Identity Domain name.

Once you make the call, for Postman you will get the X-Auth-Token in the response header.

3. Download the file :
I have used FireFox with an add-on "Modify Headers". It allows you to invoke an URL with my custom headers. You can also use curl for this.

Go to your Application Container Cloud Service Console, on the bottom, you'll find the "Application Create Delete History". Expand that, and find the deployment which failed for you. Then expand the details section and scroll down to the text where it refers to a

Copy-paste the URL of the zip file into your FireFox and add X-Auth-Token as custom header to the request :

Once you "Start" on Modify Header add-on and hit enter on the URL, the browser will download the zip as any other download.

Now you have a complete deployment log to figure out what went wrong.

Alternatively, using curl :
curl -v -X GET \
-H "X-Auth-Token: <YOUR_TOKEN>" \
-o destinationFileName \ <YOUR_URL_TO_SERVER_ZIP>

Happy debugging!!!


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