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Deploy NodeJS application in Oracle Application Container Cloud

Check my previous blog regarding "How to create a NodeJS application for CRUD services on Oracle Database Cloud", I am going to use that application now to explain the deployment process on App Container Cloud.

As mentioned in the previous blog, you need "manifest.json". It should contain some basic config params. My case it contained :

For more info on these params :

You need to create a .zip file containing all the files and folders inside your NodeJS application :

IMPORTANT : Once you have the zip file, open it and go inside "node_modules" and delete "oracledb" folder from it.
Oracle Application Container Cloud provides this node_module out-of-the-box, so you don't need to include this in the packaging.

Now open service console of Application Container Cloud and click on "Create Application"

Then select "Node"

Give a name and upload your zip by choosing "Upload archive"

This will start the upload and deployment, which will take you to the Application's page and you can see the deployment progress log in the "Activity" section on the bottom of the page.

If it ran into deployment errors, download the deployment logs and check what went wrong, "how to" is here.

If everything goes alright your application will be deployed and will be active. You'll find the application URL in the top section of the page.

You can now check the apis via Postman :

Optionally, you can add your DB Cloud connection details as "Service Bindings" to the application. You need to go to "Deployment" section from the left-hand side and click on "Add" in Service Bindings section.

This will allow you to use "process.env.XXXX" variables in your NodeJS code, which will make the code transportable through different environments (dev, test, uat etc.).
Check in the previous blog : dbutils.js file where I have used these env variables.

That's it. You have now NodeJS application doing mirco CRUD services on DB cloud. A complete JS application for your Oracle DB instance.


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