For people who are not aware of Font Awesome , it gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS. Their whole icon library is based on CSS not Images. Recently, we had to build a tree table based on Webcenter content's folder and file structure. And we needed to show proper icons for files (pdf, word etc.) and folders. Which should look like this We choose Font Awesome, because it is scalable and easy to use. But front-end was ADF, so we were a bit sceptical about how to integrate both. Turned out it was quite easy. Special thanks for Casper Overweter to do the implementation. 1. Create an ADF Skin : Create a custom skin, via New > Gallery. Base it on alta-v1 skin. 2. Download Font Awesome : Download the zip form their website . It's free. Unzip it inside the "customSkin" folder. Next to your CSS. 3. Extend Font Awesome to your ...
About anything and everything from my daily consulting life. ADF, Java, Weblogic, Unix shell scripting, Mobile technology..etc. etc.. The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.