Thanks to Oracle A-Team, I had a chance to work with Chatbots. 3 pure NodeJS applications, on couple of Oracle Cloud platforms and Facebook messenger, and my chatbot was running. Let me explain, the architecture a bit. To start with, following is the simple representation of how it works. Message Platform Server : Is a NodeJS application, deployed on Oracle Application Container cloud, acts as a channel between Facebook Messenger and the chatbot engine. It simply converts the incoming messages from Facebook and sends it to chatbot readable format. Also, when chatbot replies, it converts to Facebook readable formats and passes it to messenger. Chatbot Engine : Is a NodeJS application, which communicate with some REST APIs based on a conversation flow document and moves the flow of the conversation from one state to another. Flow JSON : Where we document, every state of a conversation and which APIs to call to generate a response. For example, at the beginning of the con...
About anything and everything from my daily consulting life. ADF, Java, Weblogic, Unix shell scripting, Mobile technology..etc. etc.. The views expressed on this blog are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.